Cold and lack of sun in the winter cause our bodies to work in a special regime

And our immune system has a hard time, because it protects the body from the constant attacks of viruses and bacteria. And this means it to work at full capacity, need more energy. Therefore, in order to resist frost in the winter, we eat more hot, nourishing soups, cakes and fatty foods - after all this food warms us and gives extra energy. As a result, by the end of the winter season, we feel the load of extra kilograms, even when conducting an active way of life, besides such food reduces our immunity, and therefore health.

How to eat right while maintaining the shape and health?

Be sure to enrich your diet autumn vegetables: beets, carrots, cabbage are rich in fiber, which helps to normalize digestion. Do not forget about fruit, such as apples, pears, grapes are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, necessary for normal functioning of the body.

Do not neglect cereals and whole-wheat bread in his composition of these foods contain complex carbohydrates that help to maintain the required level of energy. Food rich in carbohydrates, nutritionists advise to use in the first half of the day, because in the morning they are better absorbed.

What Will Become Leaner
What Will Become Leaner

Milk and milk products are necessary for bone health and immunity. In addition to calcium, and they are rich in vitamin D, a lack of which we are just experiencing the winter due to lack of sun. In addition, dairy products - sources of protein, is necessary not only for the normal absorption of calcium and the full support of the cells of the skin and bones, but also for the proper operation of the immune system and the nervous system.

Try to vary the diet of low-fat meat dishes and fish. Do not forget about vegetable oil, it contains vitamin E, which is extremely necessary to maintain the beauty of hair, nails and skin. Vegetable oils are rich in fats, which the body uses as an energy source.

But sometimes, we still can not deny myself in delicious!

To maintain good health and a figure in the cold helps L-carnitine. This vitamin-like substance that helps the body's cells to use fat as an energy source. With its lack only some of them are used by the body, and the rest deposited in reserve. Therefore, in the winter we gain extra weight, but because of the lack of energy is often sick.

To avoid this it is best to resort to using Elkar - OTC medicine of levocarnitine. Elkar energizes, it promotes the breakdown of excess fat and improves the body's resistance to infections.

It Elkar regular intake will allow you to remain vigorous in the winter, and be in good shape, while not denying themselves tasty.