And some of them are particularly important for women, "berry age"?

It was at this age begin to deteriorate chronic diseases, hormonal changes, and the climax is not far off. A regular supplement to the diet in the form of vitamins and minerals will help to reduce the unpleasant symptoms.

In addition, with age the body is changing, it is not getting the right amount of nutrients to it, and you, taking special complexes, help him make up for this deficiency.

And life leaves its mark, - says Natalya Kormuhina therapist and says: - For example, people who are addicted to yoga often refuse meat, which causes a deficiency of vitamin B12 is extremely important, so necessary for system yes and generally strengthen the immune system.

MANY - Also Not Good:

On the other hand, after fifty years, the need for some substances conversely decreases. And if you continue to take their dose of shock, the body is still not all learn. But it will increase the burden on the liver and kidneys. Or even - there allergic reaction.

So do not get carried away with taking vitamins and supplements beyond measure. Drink only special systems according to age (Sales have special: 30 years from 45, and so on), and do not forget that vitamins are good absorbed and naturally, that is, from food.

Where to look for "natural" vitamins?:

It is important for women of vitamin D. It supports the health and beauty of the skin, keeps its elasticity and firmness, as well as bone strength, and facilitates the manifestations of menopause. Contained in seafood and fish, milk products, cheese and cheese, oil and butter. And this vitamin is produced in the human body when exposed to sunlight, so often out of the office into the air!

Vitamin K. The bruises under his eyes? The deterioration of the urinary system work? Look for this vitamin in green leafy vegetables, all kinds of cabbage, as well as soy and olive oil, walnuts, eggs.

Vitamin F. Nutrition of skin and hair - in his power. While the symptoms of his own deficit are acne, eczema, problems with nails and hair, cardiovascular disease. Most of the vitamin can be found in fish and fish oils, flaxseed and pumpkin oil, walnuts, seaweed, dark green leafy vegetables.

Why Is It Important To Strengthen The Intake Of  Vitamins And Minerals To 45 Years
Why Is It Important To Strengthen The Intake Of  Vitamins And Minerals To 45 Years

Vitamin E slows the aging process, so is part of many cosmetic creams. Contained in large quantities in vegetable oils and fish oils.

Vitamin A. It is important for vision, immune system, skin elasticity. Most are rich in them carrots, bell peppers, pumpkin, broccoli and cabbage.

Vitamin C. Or simply - "askorbinka." It is necessary for all bodily functions - from metabolism to protect against seasonal infections. It also regulates the content of melanin in the human body, so its deficiency manifests with new spots and moles. Most vitamin C is found in citrus fruits and sauerkraut, as well as berries such as currants and sea buckthorn.

Calcium is important in the age from "45 and older" because it strengthens the bones and teeth, and prevents osteoporosis. To avoid this, more lean on dairy products, especially milk, cottage cheese and various kinds.


Sometimes it may be the case that seems to be taking vitamins and comply with the recommended dosage, but little help. And if not it is not. What was going on? It turns out that it is important not to "interrupt" the vitamins it unsuitable products and substances.

For example, calcium is poorly absorbed, if you abuse the coffee: just one cup of this drink inhibits the absorption of vitamin for 3 hours. Caffeine also reduces the content in the body of iron, potassium, zinc, calcium.

Salt also impairs calcium absorption.

A body of alcohol washes vitamins A and B, as well as zinc, potassium, magnesium.
Antibiotics - storm all the B vitamins Nicotine - for vitamins A, C, E and selenium.