The weather this year - not to be envied. It does not calm down. Because of these amplitudes are particularly affected with allergies, those whose skin and without frills such natural reacted to flowering and pollen, and now even more so

Of course, it causes skin rashes and itching can become and chemicals, and physical manifestations, such as the friction collar shirt, and hereditary factors. Still, biological factors, including the weather, popular - in the first place.

When The Weather Gets Foes:

Meteorologists admit that this year the situation is really atypical. Because of this plants that flowered earlier alternately (first birch, alder, and then off we go), this year staged a rebellion blossomed all at once. And allergies too sick as a team.

In many areas experiencing outbreaks of allergic reactions have not been done for the past 30 years!
Moreover, an allergic reaction is manifested not only in the form of sneezing and sore eyes, but most of it is in the form of cutaneous manifestations. Scaly patches, plaques, itching all over the body ... Well, hello, dermatitis and eczema!

Doctors are already sounding the alarm - people with acute and a topic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, pruritus, eczema is getting bigger.

What Does Genes And Apparel?:

In general, someone is preparing to celebrate the summer and already being goes through clothes, and someone has to go on about the capricious weather and fears once again show his nose out. And all because of pollen, dust, mold ... and someone even an allergic reaction to the sun or high temperatures.

Imagine all summer to sit in four walls just because of the fact that the skin reacts to the weather and itchy patches, plaques. About to open a dress to wear, even out of the question - rubs ...

And someone "let down" genes. For example, the likelihood that the child will be transferred eczema, is 25 percent if one parent is sick. And 50 percent if the patient immediately and dad and mom.

With neurodermatitis situation is even worse - 81 percent more likely to get if the diagnosis is observed in both parents. And 56 per cent of the risk in a patient parent, the risk increases if the mother neurodermatitis.

- I had exactly this problem, dermatitis is transmitted from mother - suddenly admitted to our permanent consultant dermatologist MD Irina Dolgov. She often advises us in writing materials on health and responds to readers' questions. However, when we called her, this time to talk about skin diseases, she admitted that she has become a dermatologist just because she wanted to get rid of their skin problems. - I have long solved this problem and now I treat friends and patients. And just in case the burden in the beautician cream that relieves itching and eliminates redness on the skin, restoring the joy of a fulfilling life. It is a life without skin diseases.

Three Causes Skin Problems And Are Three Ways To Solve Them
Three Causes Skin Problems And Are Three Ways To Solve Them


However, not everyone can become doctors. Someone grows into a Hollywood star. However, skin problems do not choose a victim, it could be anyone.

"I always feel the limitations and discomfort due to itching and rashes on the skin, sometimes it's driving me to a nervous breakdown and did not give me to live a full life," shared one in a glossy magazine another popular actress, have been the star of the red carpet on Oscars.

As you can see, many skin problems - one big frustration. But you can not! I mean, you can not be upset. Because stress and nervous atmosphere - another reason rashes.

However, Irina Dolgov recalls that whatever does not kill you makes you stronger - and gives three pieces of advice, tested on their own experience: how to emerge victorious from the battle with the disease.

TIP ONE: Sleeper Cell Face:

Without a doctor here, of course, can not do. But he will establish the nature of the stimulus, the rate of reaction after contact with the most irritating, and the affected area. In addition, you will need:

  1. Deliver detailed analysis of a common blood and urine tests.
  2. Undergo serological and immunological studies.
  3. Make analyzes on a variety of allergens.
  4. And if need be, to pass with carrying out a biopsy histology.

When these steps are completed, we can assume that half the battle on the road to recovery is done!

TIP TWO: Buy The Right Tools:

Sometimes, in severe forms of skin diseases, it is necessary to drink medicines, and even hormones. But more is still possible to manage local therapy - creams or ointments.

As part of such funds are usually just inflammatory and antibacterial components. The pharmacy can be found Akriderm GC.

This preparation is remarkable in that he did not even two, but four effects - anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. Such properties scientists have been able to achieve with the three active substances.

And due to the fact that the drug is produced in Russia, the price of it is preserved budget - 450-550 rubles, depending on the pharmacy. Price tag over competitors (e.g Triderm) already starts at 650 rubles and above.

TIP THREE: Customizable To Win:

And yet, no matter how much you have not spent on drugs and doctors - but if you do not set win, your efforts will be in vain. We must firmly believe that such troubles will soon be over.

Irina Dolgov said that at the moment when she decided to become a dermatologist, she already knew that soon once and for all get rid of their problems. "I just declared independence from skin diseases," she laughs.

With that mindset exactly will be no problems. And your wardrobe and plans will depend on the weather, and you personally, not by skin rashes.


  • The most frequent manifestations of skin problems are:
  • Plaques on the neck, elbow and popliteal fossa
  • Intense itching
  • Scaly patches on the arms, chest, neck,
  • Plaques, and even in the perineum and genitals