Remember the wonderful Krylov's fable about the Dragonfly? "Summer of red sang, did not have time to look back as winter rolls in his eyes."

As they say, its an example to other science: we will not wait for the cold weather with its colds, seasonal acclimatization and other troubles. We will begin to prepare for winter now! It is enough to observe the seven major rules.

Strengthens the immune system:

We have to hand it quietly, but the off-season deals a severe blow to the body. And if the youth still finished with a banal cold, then older people react to changes in season all the organs of the body. Therefore, you need to begin to strengthen the immune system in advance, that is, since the summer, and not when roasted rooster peck.

First of all please be a complex of vitamins and minerals. Fresh fruits and vegetables, of course, is good, but in order that the body received the necessary rate of nutrients you need every day to eat several kilos of fruit, and it's just unreal! So it goes - multivitamin complex.

Closer to September more lean on sauerkraut and citrus - a storehouse of vitamin C, and easier
Move more (walking, jogging) and guard against stress.


This will help meet the first cold fully prepared. And this does not need to go to the north or look for the hole, it is enough to start to pour alternately hot and cold water at home. Start with a forearm - from wrist to elbow through the transition to the whole body. The difference in the water temperature in this case should be 15 degrees.

First, the water poured alternately 20 and 35 degrees. And week after week reduces "glow", bringing up to 5 - 20 degrees.

DISCLAIM photosensitizer:

These are substances that are in contact with the skin or inside the body enhance the effect of UV light. And may provoke sunburn. Or cause the appearance of age spots.

We photosensitizers do not notice, and many are not even aware of their existence, and yet, they can be contained in many cosmetics, deodorants, even soap. And in many Badakhshan and medicines.

Consult your doctor if you prescribers. Also be careful with the drugs charges, especially if they contain St. John's wort. And be careful with essential oils, they often contain photoreactive substance.

And, of course, no peeling, skin resurfacing, dermabrasion during active sun!

7 Summer Tips For Women: What Time To Make For Winter
7 Summer Tips For Women: What Time To Make For Winter

Gets rid of toxins:

They weaken the immune system and adversely affect the entire body. Therefore, you need to get rid of them.

Medical centers and clinics that use kolonomassazh, kolonogidroterapiya, cleansing enemas, special exercises and a cleansing diet.

At home, you can drink a special cleansing drinks. Go to a low-calorie diet to restore the normal functioning of the liver and pancreas. Take sorbents. Do not forget about physical activity. And every day, drink two to three liters of water, the best pure non-carbonated, and to do so, including after each toilet.

Warn autumn depression:

Early fall and early spring - the period of two years, when the weather changes are provoking factors. In addition to the nervous system, poshalivaet and cardiovascular system. Therefore, even before the off-season, doctors recommend to start using drugs soothing effect.

And autumn is the best time for a holiday, because all the rest is held in the summer under the scorching rays of the sun (and this time it is better just to wait in the office for air conditioning), but the fall weather is mild and the most that neither is a "holiday". And if even a vacation combined with massage and water treatments, you will certainly not until the autumn of depression!

GRADUALLY to stock NEW Cream:

One of the key rules for the woman who takes care of your skin: a fall quietly move to richer means, use creams instead of emulsions. In September, the priority still give moisturizing, but by November it should already be saturated with nutrients means dense structure.

But in the summer the main beautician must remain moisturizers. Plus spray with thermal water, they will protect the epidermis from dehydration and help him move more easily attack the off-season.

Prevents the appearance of the autumn EELS:

Summer skin prone to acne cleared by drying effect of the sun. But during the "late summer-early autumn" - the time when the sun is not so active, and the sebaceous glands begin to work in emergency mode. If you do not take urgent measures, acne will go on the attack. How to prevent the aggravation?

We observe the rules of cleansing-toning-moisturizing. If possible, inquire to the cosmetician on cleaning and "skin check-up."

You can take a course of mesotherapy, make an barolazerny lymphatic drainage, with the onset of cold weather can make peeling, combines fruit acids and enzymes.