The simplest Tips From Experts:

This is one of the most dangerous and, unfortunately, one of the most common diseases, which is caused by bleeding in the brain. It can be so devastating that the restoration of the person would take years. And at the same time to recover before the end he could not. Meanwhile, a few premature steps will help you prevent a stroke or at least alleviate the consequences of the incident.

Blood Pressure Control:

High blood pressure is a guarantee of hypertension. And that, in turn, increases the risk of stroke, as well as contributes to the development of cardiovascular disease. Often hypertension generally does not manifest itself externally (for the time), so constantly monitor blood pressure. Reduce the intake of salt, drink and coffee. Prevention may also include monitoring of weight, regular exercise, and even control over stressful situations - but then you do not need any pills to lower blood pressure.

"Revision" HEART:

Heart disease can occur in humans at birth and occur throughout life. For example, as a result of hypertension, obesity, diabetes or high cholesterol. There are many effective ways to diagnose and treat heart disease, but it always depends on the underlying cause, that is the same, for example, diabetes. The best way to prevent heart problems, it's not skip regular check-ups by a doctor. Then the disease can be detected at an early stage, before it starts to improve.

Lowering Cholesterol:

High cholesterol promotes occurrence of cardiac and cardiovascular disease, usually the result of a diet high in harmful fats. To reduce cholesterol diet requires a moderate fat intake, "nenapryazhnye" exercise and sometimes medication assistance.

7 Habits That Help Prevent Stroke
7 Habits That Help Prevent Stroke

That no Obesity:

Obesity is also a risk factor for stroke. The fact that people with overweight elevated levels of fats in the blood, they are deposited on the vascular wall and narrows them. Over time, they get clogged and completely, and are sealed to form clots - which eventually reach the blood to the brain. And in the end - stroke.

Diabetes Under Control:

Diabetes - a direct path to cardiovascular disease and problems with blood vessels in the brain. The cause of diabetes is a disturbance of blood sugar, and it can also be congenital or acquired. But in any case, it requires control of food intake, weight management, and sometimes medication to maintain proper blood sugar levels.

Smoke Cessation:

When smoke in humans get tar and other harmful substances, they damage the intima. In such "gaps" immediately rush substances - inflammatory factors, as well as compounds of cholesterol. Due to the unwanted build-up of plaque and blockages in the already narrowed blood vessels develop dangerous disruption of the heart and blood vessels. And after a time there is a stroke or heart attack.

Stress Management:

It contributes to the development of stroke due to the fact that mental over-voltage occurs acute ischemic stroke. The result is a brain hemorrhage. Other less common causes of stroke may be, for example, autoimmune diseases and disorders of blood clotting.

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The brain can change the floor ...

This has been proved in the course of long-term experiments: change sex from female to male, and vice versa capable brain. Such assumptions have decided to finally check out the scientists, for which experts from the University of Maryland introduced female rodents in a specific area of ​​the hypothalamus, which is responsible for male sexual behavior, inhibitors of DNA methyltransferase. The injection was made ​​in the first week of birth rats