Often, the body literally zooms us about their problems, but we prefer not to notice. Until until it becomes too late. To avoid this, keep your finger on the pulse.

C has, perhaps, begin.

Right Pulse:

It depends on many factors (e.g., age, health, etc.). A normal heart rate can be considered as 60-80 beats per minute, and in the morning he beats less often. If you notice that you have a pulse does not fit the norm, do not worry, in women it often beats faster, 65-90 strokes. However, to be checked by a doctor to be superfluous.

Normal Pressure:

According to WHO, the ideal blood pressure in adults is the one that at the level of 120 mm by 80 mm. Indicators 130/80 also still fit into the norm. But if you have been exceeding 140 over 90, then it is high blood pressure, simply put, hypertension.

And over the years, figures for each person may vary, so the WHO has set age norms:

20 years - 116/72;
30 years - 120/75;
40 years - 127/80;
50 years - 137/84;
60-70 years - 144/85;
over 70 years - 159/85.

Hormones "by the rules":

Starting from 35 years to be a woman every year to monitor their level of hormones in time to reveal a decrease of estrogen produced by the ovaries. This is important because some women, menopause can occur even in 35 years! And control hormones help to notice and stop the fall. To do this, appointed hormone replacement therapy - medicines, fills "a hormonal reserve" in the body.

Climax Time:

Harbingers of impending menopause - so-called hot flushes: sweating, palpitations, poor sleep and other unpleasant symptoms. They start in about 5 years before menopause, so be alert!

HRT - good option to ensure the prevention of menopause. However, keep in mind that on some pills will not last, you need to take into account the way of life. That means mild exertion, at least drink and not smoke. Plus, a balanced diet and taking vitamins.

10 Signs Of Women's Health
10 Signs Of Women's Health

Normal Weight:

You are told that your weight is quite normal, and you consider yourself a fat woman? It is possible that you have a problem not with weight and self-esteem. Listen to the World Health Organization: to assess the weight, it uses a scale of body mass index (BMI), which takes into account the ratio of weight to height.

According to WHO, obesity is considered a BMI of 25. And all that before - the norm. Below 20 - underweight. On the Internet you can find a calculator that will calculate your exact BMI.

No Urinary Problems:

Every year, their likelihood is greatly increased, and at risk is women - their urethra is only 3 cm and easier to get bacteria in internal organs.

In addition, bacteria can be transmitted through personal contact with each other, and even some diseases of the digestive tract, such as E. coli, staphylococci, enterococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

And genitourinary disease in women is often accompanied by unpleasant phenomenon such as vaginal dryness, and with it - irritation, itching, discomfort. In addition, many women lubricant decreases as approaching menopause. Help cope with the problem, special lubricants, for example, Montavit gel.

Regular Menstrual Cycle:

This is one of the main indicators of the state of women's health. If the cycle is broken, it is necessary to sound the alarm - or it may be an indicator of serious problems. For example, disruption of the reproductive system.

Also among the main reasons for the irregular cycle include pelvic infection, hormonal imbalance, stress, and emotional stress, taking certain medications.

A Little Hair On The Body:

Small down the sides of the face and the upper lip - is normal. Abnormally if you started to notice at excessive body hair, called hypertrichosis. This may indicate a failure in the hormonal system and increase testosterone. Or of diseases such as, e.g., polycystic ovary disease, malfunction or adrenal tumor.

In any case, whatever it was, epilator or wax strips will not mate, the problem will be solved only by a doctor!

Clean Face:

This refers to a person without acne. They are natural in adolescence, but if the ladies began to appear in middle-aged or 50 years, it is an occasion to reflect and to donate blood, to check hormonal and reproductive system. In addition, acne in a respectable age can talk about the problems with the liver and gastrointestinal tract.


Looks ugly, it interferes with life in general? .. In fact, this is normal. Conversely, if in 40 or 50 years, the skin on the thighs and buttocks is the same smooth, as in 16 years, with the body that something is wrong (of course, this is not a professional athlete). Doctors say that in terms of physiology, if your body is not light orange peel effect, it means that a hormonal not all right.