What to eat, depending on the type of load? These tips will help experts to effectively burn fat, tighten and strengthen the muscles of the stomach [+ products for training]

On the eve of the holiday season, even the non-sporting of us pull sweat pants and a vow to run in the morning, because the stomach is not a friend fly. But the question is: what is better is, depending on the type of fitness, and that the effect was better, but the extra calories are added.

Malnutrition can reduce all efforts to zero and make useless occupation. Stiff "drying" is not for everyone: if you do not prepare for sports competitions, and just want to do their own recovery, you'd better choose their own diet, depending on the type of load.

1. After the treadmill a little drink smoothies:

When cardio-loads (this type of bike fitness equipment, treadmills, elliptical), the main task - the restoration of glycogen stores. The process of burning calories continues for some time after school, so nutritionists do not recommend to load immediately after training on cardio equipment. However, a two-hour fasting after exercise does not lead to success. For example, a professional nutritionist Ekaterina Belova recommends drinking 15 minutes after class smoothies, juice or eat fruit, an international expert on nutrition and bodybuilder Chris Aceto offers to take a quick protein 40-45 minutes of cardio (such as whey protein, the amount - according to the instructions per kilogram body weight), and a half hour - slow carbohydrates, which include legumes and grains (beans, peas), grains and cereals (except semolina), wholemeal bread, berries, fruits and vegetables, low- sugar (cherries, tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini, bell peppers, spinach, kiwi, grapefruit, pears, apples).

2. Shakes muscle - need cheese, turkey and oatmeal:

If you plan to build muscle, you need to eat any product with a high content of protein within two hours after exercise. This is the meaning of weight gain: warm up your muscles require "food", i.e energy, and you feel faint if you do not immediately feed them. Here are the products that are the basis of nutrition in building muscle:

  • Dairy. Try every day to drink 0.5-1 liters of milk 2-2.5% fat and eat about 400 grams of fat-free yogurt. Valuable elements are also found in yogurt and cheese.
  • Egg whites. The day should eat 3-5 eggs (if not allergic to them) and better whites without yolks.
  • Meat, fish, poultry. Chicken breast, turkey, lean beef and fish - a good source of protein and other nutrients needed for strong bones and muscle growth.
  • Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates - a source of energy for exercise, without which the body begins to burn proteins. Excess carbohydrates can be processed into fat, so look for those products that you eat. The required set of carbs while building mass - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables.

3. Burn fat - eat protein:

If your goal - getting rid of excess fat, you should not have to close within one or two hours after training. In training, you start the process of fat burning, which will be active for several hours after school. After eating after exercise, you give your body an alternative energy source, and the process will stop. Option "to suffer for two hours and then overeat" is also harmful. How much you can eat after exercise, so as not to destroy all the results? Focus on the half of the calories expended (burned 600 calories - eat no more than 300). The food should not contain fat, but protein should be enough. Choose veal and chicken breast, not the legs, do not use roast beef and pork, and dairy products are excluded from the diet of caffeine in any form.

Three Important Rules For Eating If You Do Sports And Fitness
Three Important Rules For Eating If You Do Sports And Fitness


Proper nutrition after training helps speed up metabolism and start the next day. Regardless of the type of training, nutrition after exercise should exclude fatty, fried, flour and sweet - the consumption of such products can lead to cellulite and make efforts to zero.


Products that help in training:

  1. Vegetables - almost any. As condiments you can use a small amount of olive oil, but forget the sour cream, mayonnaise or refined vegetable oil.
  2. Chicken breast and beef. Boiled white meat is rich in easily digestible proteins and suitable for all diets. Also suitable turkey meat and beef boiled or steamed. Each portion should be the size as the palm without fingers. This piece of meat contains on average 20 grams of pure protein, it is the perfect amount for assimilation per meal, said dietitian Svetlana Berezhnaya.
  3. Cereal. Kashi cereals from whole water - sources of slow carbohydrates that charge your body the energy required for heavy exercise. The most low-calorie cereal - unpolished rice (130 kcal per hundred grams), while most of the protein in buckwheat.
  4. If you are doing weight training in the evening for a few hours before bedtime, the cost received for this time carbohydrates to restore glycogen levels. Without training before going to bed should not use carbohydrates during the last meal. Some studies show that the use of fats in large quantities needed to suppress their cleavage lipase, so dinner is limited to 10 grams of unsaturated fat.