Proper Diet Save You From The Stress!

In chenye assure that emotional state can be corrected by diet - should choose foods that contain folic acid, tryptophan and phenylalanine. For example, useful asparagus. It affects the production of serotonin, a "hormone of joy", which protects against negative influences, experiences and generally forms the nervous system. 

Proper Diet Save You From The Stress!

Proper Diet Save You From The Stress!

From bad mood and helps insomnia and turkey meat, rich amino acid tryptophan, which allows continuously synthesize all the same serotonin. The third important product - the beans: a source of phenylalanine, stopping the collapse of endorphins. Jam "nerves" chocolates and biscuits - a road to nowhere: the effect will be minimal, and the figure this diet will affect quickly.

March Drops: How To Quickly Get Rid Of  The Common Cold:

March Drops: How To Quickly Get Rid Of  The Common Cold:

March Drops: How To Quickly Get Rid Of  The Common Cold:

"T eplo - flowed from his nose" - still say our grandmothers, scaring us complications after a simple cold. And are right: experts recommend is required to treat rhinitis , or ear problems and even heart system will not keep you waiting. Remember, drops and sprays clean only signs of the disease, you can not use them for more than five days. The main task is to address the root causes. The most simple washing with warm water mechanically remove bacteria and provide immediate relief.

A Tooth For A Tooth: How To Choose An Electric Toothbrush?

The electrical toothbrush has long been no surprise, but at the same time a few versed in the subject and are able to choose a truly reliable partner in the delicate matter of oral hygiene. Let's start with the fact that these devices are divided into two groups - a brush with the vibrational and rotational motions. Dentists recommend to buy a few tips to be able to change and to complete the type of care. Give preference to products where there is a fixed charge and batteries. Pay attention to models with a special antibacterial container, which after use will be stored and automatically clear your brush.

A Tooth For A Tooth: How To Choose An Electric Toothbrush?

A Tooth For A Tooth: How To Choose An Electric Toothbrush?

Finally, look for a device with a timer. Remember, for two minutes in the morning and evening - the mandatory minimum that will ensure the health of your teeth.