The main myths about what makes us healthier.

Slim - Hence Survivor:

In the world - a real cult of thin people. Be totally unfashionable and, on conviction nutritionists, and even harmful.

But the weight - not the main indicator of health. If you are actively moving (at least walking 40 minutes a day), follow the diet, the extra 3 - 5 kilos - not an obstacle to health. US scientists for 16 years full of people watching, and found that most of those involved in sports (even if weight and falling), hormones, cholesterol and the mood is much better than in lean people. Therefore, scientists do not advise such people to go on a diet, because it can damage the state of health and even cause depression.

But do not forget that even very thin people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, there is a layer of fat between the internal organs. Scientists at Imperial College London found that this fat is present in 20 percent of people with a normal body mass index. "This indicator is the risk of serious diseases such as diabetes and even cancer," - explains Professor Jimmy Bell, head of research. And it encourages not just to limit the power, but also in sports, to rid yourself of these problems.

Otosplyus on Saturday!:

This myth is as old as mankind. At least working humanity. But the Americans have noticed: every Monday on the roads occur more accidents than other weekdays. And all because of the weekend, on average everyone is asleep for half an hour more, and fall later. Because of this strays rhythm of life, broken note deteriorating health.

Indeed, the extra hour of sleep can sometimes do more harm than good - said the Russian a sleep (sleep specialist), academician, professor Jacob Levin. - Of course, the bed is small (i.e, less than 7 hours) is harmful. But behind schedule sleep even more harmful. Sleep off the future, as well as to eat - it is impossible. If the wake on Sunday, then go to bed later, and certainly not on Monday night's sleep.

Hiding from the sun: it causes skin cancer:

This statement is hardly a myth, because the World Health Organization annually captures all new cases of melanoma. And doctors believe that the blame for this craze tan.

Five Habits That We Believe Nothing Useful
Five Habits That We Believe Nothing Useful

In fact, most deadly types of melanomas appear on areas of the body, which are almost always covered by clothing - says Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, author of scientific work "The real reason - the real solution." - To say that the appearance of cancer blame the sun, you can not. After all, the development of cancer is influenced by many factors - the impairment of the immune function, poor sleep, constant tiredness, a general weakening of the body, but not the sun. Conversely, the sun plays an important role in the synthesis of vital vitamin D. Its deficiency increases the risk of developing breast cancer, autoimmune diseases, multiple sclerosis and diabetes.

Still, the doctor admits that the sun, or rather, sunburns are dangerous. So you should not be afraid of the sun, and the possibility of scorch.

From the bread with no potolsteesh:

In fact, not true: if you eat a whole loaf of day, it is easy to gain weight because the calories in white and whole grain bran, about the same amount - warns dietician Ludmila Denisenko. - But the bran and whole wheat bread as opposed to white improve digestion, because they have more fiber. 

Therefore, nutritionists do not recommend to give a breakfast of sandwiches with the bread. Especially useful is a cheese sandwich - a combination of cheese and tryptophan B vitamins bread enhances the mood and improves performance.

Green tea eliminates the extra pounds:

How much has been written and said about the benefits of green tea! Almost everyone tends to boast that he loves and drinking green tea exclusively. Meanwhile, many are waiting for the promised weight loss for years.
Australian scientists have calculated that green tea speeds up the metabolism by only four percent. This means that thanks to him no more burn 100 - 200 calories per day. From washing dishes and the more benefits (up to 250 calories per half hour).

But anyway green tea really helps, because the nutrients from it do not give a form of cholesterol in the blood vessels, - says nutritionist Ludmila Denisenko. - It contains poly phenols and antioxidants that help support the immune system, especially if you drink it with lemon. But do not forget that the majority of diets associated with green tea, it is recommended to drink at least four times a day. Fans of tea buckets can get extra problems - anxiety, headache, insomnia, irregular heartbeat. Still, the presence of caffeine in green tea has not been canceled.