Now you can be tired with running about enough, and enough of naprygalis, climb trees, ladders and slides, jump into the rope or the classics on the asphalt dried up.

Unfortunately, these games often turn into a problem for parents - in fact on the grounds, sidewalks and yards kids especially great risk of falling and getting hurt. But make crumbs sit still the whole trip on the bench is not only virtually impossible, but also harmful to the health of your baby!

The most common "street" children's injuries can be rightfully called bruises, abrasions and cuts. Yes, my knee break up blood or chafing her hands can be at home, but on the street, such incidents happen more often. And the consequences in domestic and street injuries often different. If the house can simply seal the wound with plaster or bandage, doing even without the usual for all of us, such schipuchih iodine or green fodder, the wound received in the fall of asphalt, will certainly be treated. This is due to the fact that the street is constantly circulates a lot of harmful bacteria and fungi on the ground and pavement just their number surpasses all imaginable limits. Therefore, even a shallow wound on the skin should be carefully handle the antibacterial and antifungal agents, and only then apply a bandage.

Pediatrician may recommend for the treatment of wounds, cuts and abrasions in children based silver preparations (for example, Sulfargin). Silver has long been known for its activity against the bacteria and against fungi, which makes use of an antiseptic based on it especially convenient. 

First Aid In Case Of  Injuries To The Child In The Street
First Aid In Case Of  Injuries To The Child In The Street

Typically preparations for wound treatment have only antibacterial or anti fungal activity only because of what has to apply just two agents combined with choosing between a drug that is not always easy. Preparations based on silver help destroy caught in the wound microbes and fungi, as well as its further stimulate healing.

It is only important, even using modern antiseptic vigilance: if the wound site becomes inflamed - there is aching, the skin around the wound swells, becomes red color and becomes hot to the touch, you should lose no time seem traumatologist or surgeon who prescribe complex treatment develop inflammation.