This, of course, is not a house in the village with my grandmother, but also a good option: buy a house in the mountains and moved there to live, say researchers at the University of Navarre in Spain. Well, or at least get over there on vacation.

They spent a long study, which lasted eight and a half years. The results presented at the 22th European Congress on Obesity , it just ended in Prague.

In the experiment, attended by almost 10 thousand people - graduates of different universities. All of them lived in certain regions of Spain, the level of the sea that was different. Therefore, all study participants were divided into three groups: those that live at an altitude of about 120 meters above sea level, the second at an altitude of 120 to 455 meters, and the third group -in areas that are located above 455 meters.

At the beginning of the experiment, all participants had the weight of a normal body mass index. And in the end, that is after 8 years with a small, roughly one fifth of them (2,100) acquired overweight or obese. And most of them were those who lived "lower."
While those who live at high altitudes (from 450-500 meters above sea level and higher) had a predisposition to obesity is 13 percent less.

An Unusual And Enjoyable Way To Lose Weight Scientists Have Named
An Unusual And Enjoyable Way To Lose Weight Scientists Have Named

Scientists explain these results that the N and high altitudes oxygen level below, and is known to reduce the feeling of hunger, which in turn reduces the risk of overweight.

Although, of course, there is also a factor: in the mountains, that is, rural areas, the minimum number of shops and cafes, people have a lot of walking, and the people there are often keeps all living creatures and the infield and eats useful environmental products without trans fats .