Scientists have found that the power on the basis of beans and vegetables just two weeks reduces the number of bio markers responsible for the development of colon cancer.

In the journal Nature Communications published a study about the diet of African farmers. The results amazed the scientists: it turns out, just two weeks it can dramatically reduce the risk of cancer of the rectum and colon.

The study involved 20 volunteers blacks living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who a few weeks for Africans ate authentic food - beans, maize (corn) tortillas of them, and a lot of vegetables, especially tomatoes, and fruits. And while almost ate meat. On this diet, the people live in rural areas of KwaZulu-Natal.

Along with them, scientists asked 20 residents of KwaZulu-Natal to start eating like their compatriots in America: sausage and pancakes for breakfast, burgers and fries for lunch and meatloaf with rice for dinner.

Before and after the experiment were subjected to colonoscopy participants to determine the state of the colon. Doctors look for signs of inflammation and polyps - indicators of colon cancer. Even before the start of the study, these symptoms were found in 10 out of 20 Americans. Africans as they were not there at all.

After just two weeks after the change of diet in the gut of Americans who ate fruits and vegetables eased inflammation and reduce the risk of cancer biomarkers. However, the Americans complained about the flatulence of the unusual diet. Meanwhile, they have changed the composition of the intestinal microflora. Thanks tortillas, tomatoes and okra (a vegetable chili), started being produced in the intestine of calcium butyrate - useful substances with anti-cancer properties. At the same Africans who ate unusual fatty meat food, the number of biomarkers of colorectal cancer has increased. And also increased the concentration of carcinogenic bile acids.

African Diet Can Protect Against Cancer
African Diet Can Protect Against Cancer

We did not expect such a global change in such a short period of time - he said the study's lead author struck Stephen O'Keefe. - I am sure that is never too late to change your diet and thus reduce the risk of development of malignant tumors in the intestine.

No wonder that this sensational study were chosen blacks. Traditionally in America are overweight they are burdened (about 48 percent of the total, while the total number of Americans who are obese - 35 percent). In addition, it was estimated that the risk of developing bowel cancer in African Americans is 100 times higher than that of Africans. According to researchers, it is the whole reason for the difference in power.
So now in America there is a lot of cooking classes that promote African cuisine diet recipes.

Comment Nutritionists:

Bowel problems because of trans fats can not be avoided

I think the study is not quite correct, - says our expert dietician Ludmila Denisenko. - Indeed, if the "put" people, feed exclusively on plant foods "diet" with trans-fats, animal protein and products of industrial processing, the inflammatory bowel disease and gastrointestinal problems they can not escape. It's just that babies breastfed offer chop! .. But what to plant foods with plenty of fiber in the American state of bowel problems improved - there is no doubt, and can not be. WHO recommends an increase in long-fiber plant in the human diet, as a factor in the prevention of colon cancer. Ballast substances stimulate the promotion of food bolus, contribute to the growth and nutrition of normal intestinal microflora. However, to call it "the African" diet a little strange - a vegetarian diet.