After the holidays is not easy to return the head to a working state. Holidays, vacation, holidays always small. And the first day on the job is usually given to us is not easy. We would like to chat with colleagues, drink tea, and in the afternoon so all dream sleep ...

Here are 5 proven ways to get together and focus at work:

1. massaged "third eye":

This "magic" is the point between the eyebrows, where the bridge of the nose meets the forehead. Press down on this point with your fingertip and take a few deep breaths. Repeat 3-4 times. Do this two or three times per day.
"Third Eye" is associated with the pituitary gland and endocrine system. Pressure on this point stimulates memory, reduces stress and helps to concentrate.

2. Grab a snack pumpkin seeds:

Pumpkin seeds can provide a daily dose of zinc, needed a man to improve memory and thinking process. Pumpkin seeds also contain omega-3 oils that are perfectly "feed up" the brain. If you do not like pumpkin seeds, nuts snack any, they are also rich in omega-3 oils.

3. Fish Breakfast:

Remember as a child my grandmother fed us fish, saying: eat fish, will clever! Grandmothers were right. The fish - essential fatty acid, an omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus. A sandwich of wholemeal bread with fish provide you with power, energy and feed the brain with nutrients.
Most useful for the brain - salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, sprat.

5 Ways Including The Brain And Focus On Job
5 Ways Including The Brain And Focus On Job

4. Do breathing exercises:

Deep slow breathing helps focus, to calm down. This is especially necessary if you have ahead of the meeting, a presentation or a business meeting. Deep breathing helps to saturate the brain with oxygen and activate the theta waves, improves memory. Breathe in the stomach and concentrate on breathing in and out.

  • Inhale - six accounts.
  • Holding your breath for 2 bills.
  • Slow exhale 9 accounts.

And after a few seconds you will feel how the brain wakes up, the stress goes away and comes peace of mind.

5. Look for seals:

Japanese scientists have shown that viewing pictures of cute animals (kittens, puppies, hedgehogs, etc.) helps to concentrate and go into operation. During the experiment, the students that are offered for some time to browse pictures of little animals behaved in the working process more seriously, deliberately and collected. So photo seals on the desktop - is not only cute but also helpful for the job.