Do not even always the most useful products of a regional diet can be useful to people living thousands of kilometers away.

The quest for "ideal" weight, and the search for the "ideal" food - one of the main trends of recent decades. Many suffer the diet the diet, igniting hope, and after a while again drowning in anguish and frustration. The researchers periodically tell us that the Mediterranean, Scandinavian or Japanese diet - the most-most. But they all fit? Let's deal with our regular expert dietician Ludmila Denisenko. For a start, we denote the main negative features of Russian cuisine:

1. Too many ingredients are often combined with each other. Because "the most delicious burgers - if they add the bread."
2. A lot of salt, bread and rolls, fat sour cream and fatty meats. And this little fish, low-fat dairy products.
3. Not only vegetables, fresh fruit that we eat more often in the summer.
4. The first, second and compote ... And it's not small volumes.
5. Three spoons of sugar in your tea, please.

Even if you just try to stop to observe these our five favorite items, the food has become healthier and slimmer waist. But let's try to understand the most popular regional diets are considered the most-the most useful and healthy.

1. The Mediterranean diet - seasonal and local products:

Indeed, the most healthy diet, as adheres to the simple principles:

+ Local dishes and traditions
+ Lots of seasonal produce - fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts,
+ Olive oil
+ Very little salt, sugar and red meat,
+ Moderate - fish, red wine, poultry.

Not without reason this diet is included in the UNESCO list of achievements of mankind. And yet it is a common food of residents of Greece, Italy and Spain. They themselves believe their diet useful because often eat in a circle of close friends, relatives, noisy and cheerful company.

Scandinavian diet - a little meat, lots of grains and eggs:

Perhaps the most close to us from the north, the Scandinavian countries - Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. For years, scientists have studied the power of these people and eventually brought their "ideal" formula:

+ 75 percent organic products, sauces and many grasses, rapeseed oil,
+ Less meat preference venison, lamb, beef,
+ More whole grains and local products - oats, rye, rose hips, cranberries, blueberries, beets, Brussels sprouts, turnips, parsnips,
+ Dairy products - in small amounts and low-fat dessert and alcohol - in very small quantities,
+ Very often fish and seafood: herring, mackerel and salmon.

This diet is close to the Mediterranean - it just as well, use a clean, organic products, often wild, little import. The study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says that a healthy diet Scandinavian "off" genes associated with inflammation, and reduces the amount of abdominal fat.

5 Important Principles Of Any Diet
5 Important Principles Of Any Diet

The Japanese diet of Okinawa - vegetables and low in calories:

Okinawa - District of Japanese centenarians. They do not suffer from hypertension, had not heard about cholesterol, oncology and strokes. Although initially it was the poorest region before World War II. The principles of Confucianism left their mark on the character and attitude of the people to the food - we eat to live, not live to eat. Nevertheless, scientists believe it is the secret of longevity food:

+ Low-calorie diet with lots of vegetables - sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes), green leafy vegetables, soybeans and products from it - the tofu, soy sauce instead of salt.
+ Little fish and seafood, much less meat,
+ Even less refined grains, sugar, salt and fat dairy products.
+ The more variety in the food, the better,
+ There should be frequent but small portions, with pleasure and slowly.

Most of the scholars who have studied the phenomenon believe that their longevity is greatly influenced by the practice of long-term calorie restriction.

Asian diet - rice, noodles and nuts:

In Asia, not so many obese people, especially in China and Japan. And compared with Europe, small incidence of cardiovascular diseases. In seeking an answer to the question "why" is still in the 90s of the last century was an international group of nutritionists Asian food pyramid:

+ Rice, noodles and whole grains,
+ Fruits, vegetables, legumes, seeds and nuts,
+ Fish and shellfish every day,
+ Poultry meat and eggs - a couple of times a week.
+ Red meat - no more than once a month.

French paradox - small portions and the cult of food:

You often see thick French? And rightly so - an indicator of obesity have the lowest in the world. Meanwhile, they are passionate lovers of fat cheeses, pates, fatty yoghurt, butter, rolls and croissants. Not to mention about the abundance of wine, cognac, champagne and chocolate. What is the secret, the scientists scratching their heads?

Some believe that such an effect has a positive effect of red wine and an abundance of cheese with mold. Others claim it's all about the cult of food. The French do not like to chew on the go. They enjoy even a tiny cup of coffee for a few minutes, enjoying and experiencing pure delight. Such an attitude to food and life in general allows the French to live long in his right mind and memory.

Instead of outputting:

The basic principles of all of these diets are simple:

1. Small portions.
2. The preference to local, seasonal ingredients.
3. The maximum dietary diversity.
4. Eat a good mood.
5. Instead of watching TV or reading the newspaper at the table is better to collect relatives or friends and enjoy a meal in good company.