And zvestna that hypertension is making a major contribution to the development of cardiovascular disease. In Russia, according to rough estimates, from high blood pressure affects 40 million adults - or about one in three adult.
The most important risk factor for hypertension - age: it starts at an average of 35-40 years for men and 40-50 years for women. With this age need to start necessarily measure the pressure at least once a year. When the first symptoms - weight, headache, hot flashes, especially in situations of emotional stress - it is necessary to consult a doctor. Immediately pay a visit to Aesculapius be if the first digits of blood pressure greater than 160.
In addition, the development of AD seriously affect: the excessive intake of salt (twice normal), overweight, especially if excessive deposits accumulate in the abdominal cavity. The fact that the fat in the waist and hormonally active triggers processes leading not only to an increase in blood pressure, but also to the development of atherosclerosis, diabetes, and, ultimately, heart attack, stroke, and death. Due to the fact that in recent years from obesity are increasingly affecting young people in Russia hypertension younger.
Blood pressure is determined by the strength and the amount of blood the heart banishes, as well as the size and flexibility of blood vessels. BP is defined by two numbers. The first figure - the systolic blood pressure, which occurs when the heart contracts. Adults are considered the norm for numbers between 90 and 140. The lower level shows diastolic pressure determined between heartbeats when the heart relaxes, "resting". Adults are considered the norm for numbers between 60 and 90. For patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease any numbers above 130/85 are considered to be high blood pressure.
Hypertension - a chronic condition in which the blood pressure is elevated. For a long time the disease is asymptomatic, but when the blood pressure reaches the critical numbers, affects the arteries and vital organs. Hypertension causes heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, provokes the development of diabetes.
Cardiac Care For Better Health |
If you have a confirmed hypertension, it is necessary to understand that it is unfortunately impossible to cure. Medication will last a long time, or rather indefinitely - the director of FSI GNITS Preventive Medicine, Federal Agency for high-tech medical care Sergei fighters. - The trouble with hypertension is that normalization of pressure provokes them is not to take drugs, and it is the principle of a compressed spring. Decreased blood pressure, was feeling better - like you can not take drugs. This is a very big mistake, because the pressure is sure to rise again, and it is a risk factor for heart attack and stroke. Medication must be taken regularly and continuously.
Check the condition of the cardiovascular system may Muscovites and visitors free of charge in the pavilion number 5 at the Exhibition Centre in the framework of the program "Check your heart", organized by the National Health League. Rapid diagnosis is carried out at the present Cardiovisor. The survey takes only a few minutes. According to the results of diagnostics on your hands issued cardiogram and three-dimensional portrait of the heart (normally it is a green-blue color, in case of problems is changed to yellow and red). After the examination, the expert gives the patient recommendations. Receptions will be conducted: 28.05-5.06, 25.06-3.07, 23.07-31.07, 20.08-28.08, 17.09-25.09, 15.10-23.10, 12.11-20.11, 10.12-18.12.
How To Beat Hypertension:
1 Lose weight. To calculate BMI, divide your weight in kilograms by height in meters.
Norma 18.5-24.9
Overweight 25,0-29,9
Obesity> 30.0
Another way to detect obesity - to measure waist circumference (standing, without clothes, keep measuring tape horizontal). Indicators of more 102 cm in men and 88 cm more women talking about obesity.
Quit Smoke:
3 Eat a healthy diet: three times a day in small portions, no semi-finished products and fast food, the food should be fresh and varied. Change the proportions of foods on your plate in the direction of increasing fish, vegetables and greens, whole grains and reduce fried garnishes, sauces and fat. Limit sugar, confectionery, ice cream, sodas. Portions of meat or poultry should be small (90-100 g in finished form), preference should be given to low-fat varieties or while cooking remove from the surface of visible fat broth and chicken - skin. It is desirable to cook steamed, boiled, baked; necessary to reduce the addition of oils, sugar, salt. When refueling, salads better to use vegetable oil instead of mayonnaise and sour cream. It is necessary to choose dairy products with lower fat milk, yogurt, kefir to 1-2.5%, 0-9% cottage cheese.
It is recommended that half of the bread obtained by the wholegrain, wholemeal bread, rye or bran.
In cereals is better to use unrefined cereal varieties: brown rice, buckwheat (slipped), whole oats. You can consume cereals with walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, dried fruits. Do not add sugar cereals and spread on bread butter.