A feature of this type of food is the calculation menu with minimal calories. To express diet is considered a reduction in caloric intake by 50%. In this case, lack of energy the body will compensate from their own fat reserves, which promotes weight loss.

It's no secret that nutrition plays a key role in strengthening and preserving health. The use of products that are low in calories, is that they are not only able to maintain a beautiful figure, but it does not harm the work of many organs and systems. Such products usually do not contain large amounts of salt, steamed instead of the pan. Their use to a greater extent in its raw form. This means keeping all nutrients and their intake into the body.

Calorie reduction occurs only under medical supervision. Initially, the daily rate is reduced by about 30%. Harsher restrictions should not do it, because it can cause a malfunction of organs, and even mental disorders.

To maintain muscle mass, namely, it decreases when the wrong starvation, the diet must be preserved proteins. From the diet recommended to remove simple carbohydrates such as sugar especially pure, sweet fizzy drinks and all sorts of pastries. This gives a huge benefit to the pancreas. Bread can eat no more than 100g. per day and then only the bran.

Fat a day should do no more than 80g. and it is desirable to plant, and about 100 g of carbohydrates. reduce as much as possible the use of salt. Liquid drink generally costs more to 2 liters, preferably they were herbal teas without sugar.
Low-Calorie Diet - Benefit Or Harm
Low-Calorie Diet - Benefit Or Harm

The best benefit of giving a fractional power. Receiving divided into five times during the day. Consumed portions have an average volume. The diet can include carbohydrate foods such as cereals, vegetables, whole grain bread and fruit.

The Negative Impact Of A Diet Low In Calories:

The main drawback is that after the removal of the power limit, the person again gaining weight rapidly and with even more. To this did not happen, the output power with the same procedure should be gradual.

It leads to a decrease in activity, including employment, dizziness and even loss of consciousness. Long stay on this diet, is not recommended. The body begins to get used to and have no previous ability to lose weight. In addition, violated the metabolic processes. Serious consequences are possible when you receive only 1000 calories per day.